Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Why do They Hate the Steyn?

According to the CIC (Canadian Islamic Congress) Mark Steyn’s book is "flagrantly Islamophobic.” Now I have read this book (and if any readers today have not I strongly suggest you stop reading and run to the nearest Chapters and get it) and it is not a book of racism or bigotry. Honestly though what allows the Imams to call for the death of Israel and the West, but a non minority group/person can not even talk about demographic comparisons between Muslims and Western nations. Mark Steyn is right about the major role population differences between Muslim and Western nations will be playing in the events ahead. Though many Leftist groups will not admit that demographic differences matter at all, because a proper citizen of a Western nation knows that we should not have children because there are poor people in other parts of the world. I hope the courts will not bow to the pressure the CIC, and other Muslim groups, will put on them. I don’t have much hope though because I think we all know how courts deal with any sort of white man vs violent minority groups. That’s enough ranting for now.


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