Thursday, January 3, 2008

We Want our Guns

Ah the Gun Registry, winner of the most useless idea award every year since it was installed (at least in my books). I consider it one of the biggest wastes of taxpayers’ money ever we have spent over Two Billion dollars (some estimates say even higher than that) on it with nothing to show for it. There was 605 murders in 2006 only 190 involved guns. 108 of the 190 murders were committed using handguns, 24 more were committed using sawed-off shotguns and rifles. What is interesting about this is sawed-off shotguns are illegal and you have had to register handguns since. How is this registry going to stop people from committing crimes if the guns in the related murders are illegal guns anyways? Another interesting fact is of the 48 recovered guns recovered at crime scenes 18 have been registered that’s 38%. Now think of the guns not recovered (142) if 38% are registered that’s about 54 guns that are registered and used in a crime. Not a large amount of registered guns actually used in a crime. I believe this is partially due to the fact that people who register guns are law abiding citizens. Also since the gun registry has been put in place many registered gun owners have reported their guns stolen. Many believe that this is because the gun registry has been hacked giving criminals maps to where easily obtainable guns are. I think if instead of wasting 2 billion on the gun registry if the money had gone to law enforcement we would have gotten much better results. That is enough from me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think a gun that shoots Cheese Whiz should not have to be registered and would also be very effective against hungry robbers. You could throw them toast then blast them with a load of cheese.

O deadly